ICTF Meeting

ICTF Termly Meeting , Hilary 13 (No.18)
Tuesday 19th March 2013 at 14:00
Isis Room, Banbury Road, IT Services


1 welcome from Tony Brett,

2 R12 Project

Jeremy Worth, introduces Sara Foxley and Ben Heath who communicate the R12 project which is the Oracle financials upgrade. Pete Jones provides a technical appraisal of the Browser and java requirements and explains that testing is ongoing. Project has been ongoing for 18 months so far, 40 full time staff and 30 part time. Three reporting mechanisms will become one (EIS). There will be an interface with HRIS, X5, and biztalk functionality is being used. Oracle 11 has been heavily customised, Oracle 12 will have no customisations. Future proofing in the form of iExpenses. Market place will go and the new system will be iProcurement. System Integration testing will be in june/ July 2013 and then training will begin. Much of the training is online, users must be trained to have access. There will also be a training Roadshow. Pete Jones gave a short presentation on the Browser java support required and , particularly mentioned the Firefox ESR Extended Support Release, and showed the Oracle Support matrix, JRE7 is not certified yet. Mac testing and scope is to be confirmed. Flash may be required for online training audio. See also oracle User productivity kit. There was a question about integration with SSO and this is being looked at. There was a question about how printing will be handled and the configuration will be transferred over and there will be pDF generation for purchase orders. Ben heath commented that medical units have been involved with grants and familiarisation.

3 Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted. There were no comments.

4 Chairman’s Business

Jeremy Worth explained there had been no ICTF representation anywhere with respect to IT Services , due to the sub-committee structure not being in place. By Trinity Term this will be in place. This is fluid and in progress, watch this space at the next meeting. There has been some activity with InfoSec Board, this has gone through council, there has been one meeting. Communications committee , no further information is available.

5 ITS3 Update

Tony Brett said that there had been business as usual. Courses were picking up and Andrew Cormac from Janet will be in Oxford to deliver the course Computers privacy and the Law. If any ITSS would like to join him for a meal on the evening of the 17th, please email its3@it.ox.ac.uk Tony mentioned other courses coming up, these can be seen at https://register.oucs.ox.ac.uk/itss/workshop_booking Conference date has been set for 11th July at the Kassam Satdium. Tony has written a blog about his visit to UCISA conference http://blogs.oucs.ox.ac.uk/tony/author/tony/ SSL certificate service is changing and may be charged from May. No charge in April so if there are any to do please do them NOW.

6 ICTF Steering group

Sarah Lawson welcomed new co-opted people , Jim Leek, Andy Richards and Riaz Khimji. 1 Co-opt is available. There was a meeting with John Ireland Customer Services manager, discussing engagement with the wider university and the outcomes of Workstream 8. ICTF wants to be a conduit and is to be involved. Sarah talked about the conference and made a call for workshop ideas, or any plenary suggestions or even after dinner speaker suggestions.

7 Work Stream 8

Craig Tranfield gave a presentation of his Experts list, a wiki of projects in common. For IT services to know what has or is going on and who to contact with relevant experience.

8 Updates from other bodies.

(a) CITC committee

Janet B & B visitor access still not resolved. Big commercial vendors being looked at BT openreach etc. JW wanted to point out that departments were interested also. Anjanesh Babu also looking into this for the Ashmolean. Just looking at Big solutions, therefore a good thing to put on Craigs expert list wiki page see point 7, Wadham College mentioned Kelway had quoted for an internet connection.

(b) Software licensing

Sophos renewal is in hand, engagement is much better now that we have Platinum Service. End of contract is in September and there will likely be no change in 2013.

9 (a) IT managers meeting date is set for 7th June. CIO will be present at the next meeting. (b) CITF meetings have been organised and ad hoc.

10 Reports from central Units

(a) IT Services John Ireland gave a report. From 1st February the new staffing structure has been in place. Finances are being looked at, visibility and communication is improving. DARS is finished. New version of webauth ,with improved mobile compatibility in progress. Nexus Auto mapping failures are usually due to large folder stacks and Nexus team will help resolve. Sharepoint, alert plus and document conversion to PDF, also improved workflow editor. Future enhancements will be SSO integration. Nexus Quotas will be extended to 3Gb. HFS quotas extended from 1Tb to 4TB Engagement • Tablet working group, call to feed thoughts to IT services. • A show of hands calling for those with knowledge of the IT service reps liaison service, elicited 5 raised hands in a room of 50. • IT alliance (engagement/ assembly) this is an engagement group, bringing thinking together. ICTF will be represented and will hear soon how this will work in practice.


Andrew Bonnie gave a report. Covering ORA institutional open access publishing. Non print legal deposits, and explained that the restrictions on use are not very user friendly.

(c) Networks,

Henryk Glogowski gave a presentation Key points were the DNS naming policy (not retrospective), IPv4 policy, wireless upgrade policy and plans. Questions about the Timescale for the wireless upgrade are best directed to the network team with regards to new buildings being commissioned. In response to questions it was stated that the network backbone and DNS needs upgrading for IPv6. Wireless explosion in device numbers is a problem without ip6 addresses. Nat and LOG is the answer at the moment, It was asked if a turnkey solution could be devised for NAT/PAT routing such as a VM on the network, this was taken onboard. 10 OXCERT David Ford gave a presentation on Phishing, covering the latest heavy workload concerning Google docs.

11 Whole Disk Encryption, Jon Ashton gave a brief overview. The trial service is still active. A question about costs revealed that the service would be cost recovery and estimated at £400 year per department.

12 Updates - Card system

Christopher Hoskin reported that this is complete and Papercut and webauth now play.

(b) CITC Questionaire

Ben Bridle told us he had reported the findings to a bursar sub-committee. There was a question and request of whether the results would be transparent to departments and others, such as how many colleges use papercut, etc. Ben is meeting on Thursday and will take this request forward.

(c) VOIP

Alan Hillyer, gave a report on unified Communications as it is not called VOIP anymore. A convergent network needs the Backbone to carry voice. A project board has been established above the 3 pillars of Convergence/ Network/ Wireless. As the £12 million project is out to tender it is difficult for details to be announced for fear of bias. If suppliers ask questions please tell them nothing, if they persist please report this as they have been warned.

(d) The Electronic Archive project

Sarah lawson gave an Update

(e) Energy Efficiency and Monitoring

Keith Gillow gave an Update

13 Password Reminder Competition

14 any other Business

15 Date of Next Meeting (Trinity term 17th December 2013)

Page last updated: 2016-05-11