ICT Forum
ICTF Meeting
Trinity 2014 Meeting (No.21)
1400hrs on Wednesday 25th June at Rewley House, Geoffrey Thomas Lecture Theatre
- Welcome
- Minutes of Last Meeting
- Chairman's Business
- TONE project and other networking matter (Henryk Glogowski)
- The IT Services service portfolio review (Darrell Sturley)
- ITS3 Update (Tony Brett)
- ICTF Steering Group Report (Sarah Lawson)
could YOU join the committee?
- Proposed change to ICTF Constitution and Terms of Reference (Tony Brett)
- Items from representatives on other bodies
- Reports from Special Interest & Advisory Groups
a. Web SIG (Jim Leek)
b. HPC SIG (Andy Richards)
- Reports from Central Units
a. IT Services (John Ireland)
b. Bodleian Libraries
- Project Reports
a. Maillist replacement project (Dominic Hargreaves)
b. Service Desk Consolidation Project (Jonathan Marks)
- Any Other Business
- Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 2pm (lunch at 1pm, venue TBC)
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