ICTF Meeting

Michaelmas Term 2010 (No.11)

Thursday 16 December 2010
at 14:00
in the Wolfson Seminar Room
in the Chemistry Research Lab.


      1. Welcome
      2. Talk from Prof. Paul Jeffreys (Director of IT)
        on the change in division for OUCS
      3. Minutes of Last Meeting
      4. Chairman's Report
      5. ICTF Steering Group Report
      6. Items from representatives on other bodies
        1. Student Systems Replacement (James Dore)
        2. Colleges ICT Committee (James Dore)
        3. Software Licensing (Sarah Lawson)
      7. Reports from Advisory Groups
        1. Information Security (Jonathan Ashton)
      8. Reports from Special Interest Groups
        1. OxBridge Collaboration (Sarah Lawson)
        2. Colleges IT Fporum (Simon Thomson)
      9. Reports from Central Units
        1. ODIT (Paul Jeffreys)
          Paul's verbal report will cover both the above paper and the governance review.
        2. OUCS (Stuart Lee)
        3. Libraries (Dave Price)
        4. BSP (Jeffrey Thomas)
        5. ITS3 (Tony Brett)
      10. ICTFSuppliers' Exhibition Feedback
      11. Any Other Business
      12. Date of Next Meeting (Week 9, Hilary Term 2011)
      13. Talk by Alan Hillyer (Head of Telecoms) on the move to VoIP

Page last updated: 2016-05-11