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Thursday 10th July at the
Workshop Session A | 12:00–12:40 |
A1 | How we networked the Tour de France | Rob Bricheno (Senior Network Systems Specialist, Cambridge University Information Services) | |
12:00 |
In 2014 one of the world's largest yearly sporting events chose to visit our bicycle-loving city. Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridge City Council and the University of Cambridge worked together to provide free public wi-fi along the city centre route. Find out what we did, how we did it (maybe even why we did it!) and what happened on the day. |
A2 | Xen virtualisation | Greg Jennings (Hertford College Oxford) & Ross Wackett (Linacre College Oxford) | |
12:00 |
Greg and Ross discuss how they have deployed the open source Xen virtualisation platform to run production servers for Hertford and Linacre. They will run though the installation and setup process on Debian, look at backups, high availability/mirroring and P2V conversion of physical machines onto the platform, and question the status quo on the default position for virtualisation. |
A3 | Whole Disk Encryption in Oxford | Tony Brett (IT Services Oxford) | |
12:00 |
This workshop will look at the background to the Whole Disk Encryption Project and describe its basic principles as well as reporting its progress. It will talk about problems we have encountered and how we have fixed them and will be a Q&A session for IT Support Staff who are already accredited to deploy and support the service. |
A4 | Storage as a service | Jon Hutchings (IT Services Oxford) | |
12:00 |
This workshop will cover the developments of the Storage-as a-a-Service project. It will aim to give you a background to the project, what the project will deliver, the timescales and cover what has been achieved to date. There will be ample opportunity for the audience to help steer he direction of this service during this session. |
A5 | OxCERT: Taxonomy of an incident | David Ford and Jenny O'Connell (OxCERT) | |
12:00 |
Jenny O’Connell and David Ford present a selection of incidents that OxCERT see, their effects and how they could be combined for a more sophisticated attack. |
A6 | The Oxford Network Evolution (TONE) | Henryk Glogowski (IT Services Oxford) | |
12:00 |
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A7 | Public Wifi, University Museums and Super Connected Oxford | Anjanesh Babu (Ashmolean Museum Oxford) & Gerrard Barker (Super Connected Oxford) |
12:00 |
This is a joint insight into how the Museums – the public facing, yet academically rooted side of the University – and the City, have ventured into providing wireless services within an Academic Framework. Moving with input from visitors in order to integrate wireless catering to a wider visitor audience, inclusion in the Oxford City Council's Super Connected City initiative is expected to revitalise the infrastructure across the museums and deliver public facing services as never before. |
Workshop Session B | 13:55–14:35 |
B1 | How secure is your iPhone? | Jon Ashton (IT Services Oxford) | |
13:55 |
This workshop takes a look at some of the security features of iOS devices. We’ll look briefly at iOS security features, security of data stored on devices and tools for exploring iOS. |
B2 | The conundrum of how to (IT) staff a College – what might the future look like | Ben Bridle (St Hugh's & LMH Oxford) & Ross Wackett (Linacre College Oxford) | |
13:55 |
In this session, Ben and Ross will talk about their experiences of running IT for Colleges, including collaboration and joint working with other units. The aim is for the session to largely be a round table discussion where ideas and experiences can be shared, and potential opportunities for sharing staff and skills might be identified. |
B3 | MS365 in a College (an updated talk with news on further developments) | Brian Hicks (IT Services Oxford) and Richard Carpenter (St Peter's Oxford) | |
13:55 |
Brian and Richard will be talking about their experiences with the deployment of MS365 within St. Peter's College. MS365 is powerful tool if used correctly and could be used in any unit of the University. This is an updated talk from the last one given at the College's IT Conference (CITC) and is aimed for all units of the University, not just Colleges. |
B4 | Soft skills - career development, assertiveness, how to interview | Tony Brett (IT Services Oxford) | |
13:55 |
This workshop will look at some of the aspects of work in IT that are often overlooked. We’ll talk about good (and bad) communication, how to look after your own career better and we’ll have a discussion about skills for interviewers and interviewees. |
B5 | Cambridge University IT Review - What will IT change? | Ronald Haynes and Bruce Beckles (Cambridge University Information Service) | |
13:55 |
The recent University-wide IT Review at Cambridge has been what technologist now like to call 'disruptive', in that it has been a source of significant debate and change, which looks set to continue for years to come. For some observers, there has been a significant shift to a more centralised model of IT provision, with partial consolidation of selected departments and services into a larger centre, while at the same time there has been an acceptance of and encouragement for complementing and competing models of provision within the collegiate university. Over all, there has been a call for a more user-focused engagement, more of a user-centric IT 'experience', and that looks to be a continuing challenge as the Review has started to take effect in earnest. |
B6 | Advanced Research Computing update | Andy Richards (OeRC Oxford) | |
13:55 |
The Advanced Research Computing facility is the university's central High Performance computing service available to all researchers. This workshop will provide an update on service developments in the last year and future plans. The workshop will also provide the opportunity to discuss how best the ARC team can support researchers across the federated university through the support of the local IT officers. |
B7 | Maths all around you: Tour of the Andrew Wiles building | Keith Gillow | |
13:55 |
The tour is an opportunity to look around the Andrew Wiles building and see some of the mathematics we have embedded in the design. Unlike normal tours of the building this is also an opportunity to pick up on the more technical aspects of the building and IT systems such as network infrastructure, power management, green IT, digital signage, room booking, keyless building management and security, use of local server room and shared data centre, print strategy, floor boxes, AV, telephony/ICP, time lapse recording, Linux, Windows and Mac automated desktop deployment and configuration management etc. The tour content can be fairly flexible and led in part by the interests and questions of the group as we go. If you have a spare 7 minutes you can watch a time lapse movie covering the 2 year construction process at http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/new-building/time-lapse |
Workshop Session C | 14:45–15:25 |
C1 | OS X and iOS management at Oxford - time to join forces | Marko Jung (IT Services Oxford) | |
14:45 |
The consumerisation of IT dramatically impacts user expectations of IT as staff members become more familiar with technology. The increased pace of product release cycles as well as the continuous emerge of new applications and cloud services force us to rethink our approach to service development and delivery. As IT professionals we need to understand the big picture and to identify the hot topics we should care about - how that context influences our decisions and changes our actions. We have to abandon the "not invented here" attitude. Innovation can come from anywhere in our organisation. IT must adopt an innovation, adapt it to secure and support, and then be prepared to change it as it evolves. Please join me in this workshop to get an overview of the current status of the Orchard service and discuss how we can further develop this into a useful tool to support your IT landscape. |
C2 | Speed dating - Job swap? Problem swap? Hertford/Brasenose/Linacre collaboration | Matt Brock & John Kinsey (Brasenose Oxford) | |
14:45 |
'Matt and John from Brasenose talk to you all about the wonders of joining forces with Hertford and Linacre. An overview and insight in how 3 (different!) IT departments can work together. |
C3 | ITIL vs Reality | James Woodward (Client Services Manager, Manchester Metropolitan University) | — |
14:45 |
About 10 years ago (or so) ITIL became the new buzz word and IT managers all over the country went back to school to learn a new language, take some exams and tried to fit everything we were doing into the new ITIL world. Was it worth it? What have we learnt? Could we have spent our time and money better? James will investigate, drawing from his own experiences and making observations on what will come next. |
C4 | Integrated Communications Project - moving forward | Stewart Watson & Alan Williamson (IT Services Oxford) | |
14:45 |
The Integrated Communications Project (ICP) aims to modernise Oxford's communications, with a new system that allows for online presence notification, instant messaging, voice and video conferencing, collaboration and screen sharing services. In this workshop we'll discuss the project's current design and build phase, the rollout of a pilot in early 2015, plus how to stay informed as the project progresses by taking advantage of the available resources and support. |
C5 | Scalable storage with CEPH | David McBride (Platforms Group, Cambridge University Information Services) | SVG |
14:45 |
Demand for cost-effective, scalable storage is continually increasing, but despite the continuing increase in capacity of hard-drives, existing techniques for providing resilient, cost-effective, highly-available storage aren't scaling well. Ceph is an open-source storage system that scales to petabytes+ of storage using only commodity hardware, providing RESTful object storage, block device, and/or distributed POSIX filesystem interfaces. This is a talk describing both how Ceph works and the pre-production system that Platforms have deployed with an eye to using it as a better foundational building-block for building services in future. |
C6 | The Dark Web | James Davis (Janet CSIRT) | |
14:45 |
This talk will cover technologies like tor, freenet, i2p, Bitcoin and booter services and then look at how these are being used in the criminal underground and black-market. |
C7 | The Electronic Archiving Pilot Project – Archiving Digital Records for the Long Term | Neil Jefferies (Bodleian Digital Library Systems and Services) | |
14:45 |
The workshop will be a run through of the Electronic Archiving system and a look at how it works with different archiving practices. The emphasis will be on the archiving of records although, in principle, the system is content agnostic. |