ICT Forum
ICTF Meeting
Trinity 2011 Meeting (No.13)
Thursday 7 July 2011
at 14:00
in the Wolfson Seminar Room,
Chemistry Research Lab.
- Welcome
Jeremy welcomed everyone.
- Minutes of Last Meeting
These were accepted as a correct record.
- Chairman's Report
Jeremy said that everything to be said would be covered later as part of other items.
- ICTF Steering Group Report
Items 4 & 6 were dealt with together by Sarah.
Most recent streering group activity has concerned the conference. The food will be great. Conference logistics would go out in an email on Tuesday. Following a queston from the audience, it was confirmed there would be bags - of the canvas shopping variety. Tony mentioned the taxi arrangements from Keble Road and the station.
- ICTF Elections
The Chairman (Jeremy) and Secretary
(Sarah) were re-elected unopposed. A ballot for the other posts would take place at the conference.
- Conference 2011 - Last Minute News
See Item 4 above.
- Items from representatives on other bodies
- Colleges ICT Committee (James Dore)
Nothing to report.
- Software Licensing (Sarah Lawson)
Nothing to report beyond the minutes on the web.
- Reports from Special Interest Groups
- ICT Managers' Group (Jeremy Worth)
One meeting has been held and declared 'good'.
- OxBridge Collaboration (Sarah Lawson)
The collaborative input to the coming conference is all that has happened recently. A volunteer to drive the group is being sought.
- Colleges IT Forum (Simon Thomson)
No report.
- Information Security Best Practice Update (Jonathan Ashton)
Jonathan gave a brief update
See: http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/network/security/ISBP/ispolicy.xml
and: http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/network/security/ISBP/classification_info.xml
- Reports from Central Units
ODIT (Paul Jefferys)
- OUCS (Stuart Lee)
Virtual infrastructure procurement is in progress, shared data centre fit-out is on-track, refurbishment of 13 Banbury Road data centre is being costed, Active Directory project forging ahead, OxFile service launched, secondary authentication project in progress, survey re firewall future directions is imminent. SLDs are under review. Projects coming soon: dual-site resilience, whole-disc encryption, 2nd Janet link (IPv6), podcast infrastructure, Nexus upgrades.
Question: Nexus hardware upgrade - archiving?
Answer: This comes in exchange 2010. Currently this is done by buying more quota, there is no explicit archiving arrangement.
Question: OxFile size limit & life - in help but could usefully be more prominent? Answer: Send the comment to john Ireland.
- Libraries (Andrew Bonnie/Dave Price)
Changes are coming next week.
- BSP (Jeffrey Thomas)
ITS3 - verbal report (Tony Brett)
The conference (and lots more) has kept ITS3 busy. Rory Edwards has now joined ITS3 part-time.
- Any Other Business
There was none.
- Date of Next Meeting
Probably in 9th week of Michaelmas Term.
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