ICTF Termly Meeting. Trinity 2014
Meeting held on Wednesday 25th June at 2pm at the Main Lecture Theatre, Rewley House
1. Jeremy Worth welcomes everyone
2. Minutes of last meeting were accepted as accurate
3. Jeremy Worth deferred Chairman’s business to the rest of the agenda as it would be covered there.
4. TONE project and other networking matter (Henryk Glogowski)
Henryk gave an report on the progress of the project. Suppliers are being examined, mentioned was BiFrost (TONE sub-project to review and replace fibre-optic cables and ducts where necessary). Eduroam performing better, analysis of peak usage showed media/video streaming, therefore managing expectations may be more important in the future, encouraging downloading at non-peak times. Hilary term will be a test next year. Much interest in JaNET Public access and the Cloud. Survey of WAP’s is ongoing, more than 3K Waps present, heading to 5.5K ultimately. IT Services has 1.4K WAPs in its management. Considerations of limits to amount of time online needed to control behaviour and bandwidth use, particularly in public- and tourist-heavy area.
5 The IT Services service portfolio review (Darrell Sturley)
Darrell gave a report focussing on the assessment of services, relevance, change and future needs. Costs were shown and Disaster recovery/Service recovery/Business continuity was stressed. Ideas from colleges sought.
6 ITS3 Update (Tony Brett)
Tony gave a report on the work of ITS3. Conference is imminent and Gartner GTP was acclaimed. Feedback on the Windows
7 readiness report was given with an announcement about Microsoft Premier support. Q: There was a question about where the slides for the Infosec talk at Merton were? – ITS3 to track down and make available. 7 ICTF Steering Group Report (Sarah Lawson) Sarah briefly encouraged members to get involved, leading into the next item.
8 Proposed change to ICTF Constitution and Terms of Reference (Tony Brett)
ICTF was formed 6 years ago and an amendment to the constitution was proposed by the current ICTF Steering Committee. The motion to change was passed by 36 out of 49, in favour, succeeding in being over the require 2/3 majority.
9 Items from representatives on other bodies There were no items.
10 Reports from Special Interest & Advisory Groups
a. Web SIG (Jim Leek) there was no report
b. HPC SIG (Andy Richards) Andy gave his report (arrived late due to HPC-sig clash) on the local and national situation, encouraging Oxford Collaboration, RedHat site licensing will change as vendor has tripled the price. Therefore just what is necessary will be bought. Pockets of activity will be identified and Purchasing/procurement and negotiations will continue. HPC is open to anyone.
11 Reports from Central Units
a. IT Services (John Ireland) HFS/TSM backup diversification project is being researched. WDE has more providers than users currently, needs promoting and collaboration. 52 machines left on windows XP, Crown MS premier agreement available to public sector bodies that have bought-in for XP patches. Documentation available on how to build an exams- compliant system, also at a future time compliant system on USB envisaged.
b. Bodleian Libraries –no report from the Bod (later apology and promise of report next time)
12 Project Reports
a. Maillist replacement project (Dominic Hargreaves) Tony Brett delivered for Dominic giving a report on the state of the maillist project. Maillists belong to people not units. This will be the same in the new system. Information is available for the maillist project at https://sharepoint.nexus.ox.ac.uk/maillist_update or email: maillist-upgrade@it.ox.ac.uk
b. Service Desk Consolidation Project (Jonathan Marks) Jonathan gave his report, we are now deep in implementation phase of frontRange Heat, Nov2014 will be the transition, SSSC Student System Support centre will be using initially for incident management. From January 2015 there will be a self-service facility for monitoring the status of users calls. Full system hoped to be available for other units Summer 2015. An update will be delivered at IT Services’ Pre term round up Thursday 25th September. There was a brief discussion about the word “incident” and potential confusion with security connotations. Some concern about users seeing comments from IT officers talking through solutions on tickets. Freedom of information suggests that all comments should be made transparently.
13 Any Other Business – there was none
14 Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 2pm (lunch at 1pm, venue TBC)