ICT Forum
ICTF Meeting
ICTF Termly Meeting , Trinity 2012 (No.16)
13:30 on 19 June 2012
Wolfson Room, Chemistry Research Laboratory
- Welcome from Jeremy Worth –particular mention of ICTF conference on the Horizon.
- minutes of meeting 15 accepted as a true record
- ICCP Update from Anne Trefethen.
A brief update about the IT Services Organisational design bringing together 3 IT departments. IT services will exist from 1st August. Workstreams are still shaping the design. Next steps are to refine the organisational structure.
Anne actively encouraged ICTF to get involved and query or participate in debate.
Q: There was a question about what the academic IT service included,
A: the answer was services supporting teaching, learning and research.
Q: where will the main interface be for External IT support?
A: Customer services
Q: Physical locations
A: too early to say, currently no change for the start of next academic year.
Q: where does ICTF fit?
A: we are in partnership and ICTF is seen as important as a communication channel.
Sarah Lawson and Jeremy Worth in talks about Governance , ITS3 will sit in Customer services Unit probably.
- Chairmans Business
New position for IT risk management and new committee
JW has been asked to sit on this new committee representing ICTf and will report next time as the new committee hasn’t convened yet. SL is heavily involved also.
JW undertakes to keep ICTf informed.
- Secretarys report
SL thanks ICTF representatives for sitting on committees too numerous to mention.
ICTF steering group has met and wants involvement in the new governance structure earlier in the cycle of projects .
A report is being put together by SL, that will recommend increased information flow to ICCP.
Earlier consultation, greater coordination and collaboration, demand led services.
SL is creating a report for the ICCP workstream and will circulate to ICTF in advance.
Further calls to get involved if you will.
- Conference 2012
A general reminder to let us know of changes of plans, this is to try and get taxi numbers correct. There will be taxi runs after the event, after the drinks reception and after dinner.
- Items from representatives on other bodies
- Colleges IT Committee – Nothing to report.
- Software Licensing – Nothing to report.
- Reports from Special Interest & Adisory Groups
- IT managers Group – Nothing to report.
- Oxbridge collaboration – standstill, Brian Hicks looking for another route into Cambridge.
- CITF Simon Thompson, a reminder of the meeting next week. Wifi is a big issue.
Conference of colleges through PJ has asked for any quick wins to be highlighted and put forward.
Q CITF and CITC, what is the difference?
A: CITF less formal, more information sharing such as recommended suppliers and experiences.
CITC –formally part of the governance structure that feeds into colleges structure.
- Reports from Central Units
- OUCS Tony Brett gives the last OUCS report, specifically mentioning ICCP, Exchange 2010 migration is now complete, EEM is generally well received and pressure from Estates will continue for its adoption. Backbone chassis work replacement and the wiki pages by Alistair james are highlighted. * Have a look at your Chassis schedule*
Also mentioned CUD/ Affiliations manager
Telecoms review is ongoing and will be announced next month.
Q: regarding EEM , can someone go to units for EEM, rather than Units going to OUCS (TB suggests RE)
Q: Matt Jennings , can a standard VM be distributed? TB to Ask Wylie
- BSP, Ian Wild not present, scrolled through the last ever BSP report.
- BDLSS – Katherine Fergusson gives the report, no questions.
JW issues a reminder that questions can always be emailed at a later date once the reports have been read.
- ITS3 report : Rory Edwards is full time until November.
High Performance Computing (HPC) SIG has been resurrected thanks to Andy Richards.
Janet training mentioned, a request for courses and how ITS3 can help. Dates of the new ITSS induction, pre year round up 20 Sep, BBQ 7th September,
Tony going to UCISA support conference, useful to have links in other Universities.
Workstream 8 is about IT services and distributed consumers. SL working on this and of concern to ICTF.
- Info sec best practice, Jon Ashton not present so SL gives a report.
The history and progress of the policy was précised, Policy was signed off yesterday and will now go to General Purposes Council and if approved will go to Council. This means that as the policy reflects the Law, then the elements that “must” be observed will become more significant. No change is expected overnight. There is already a dedicated team and a tool kit to help with technical and practical advice. Policy will track changes in the Law, and is available online. Case studies are to be produced.
Q: does this supercede the CITC computer policy?
A: SL not a replacement, but interweaves with it.
Q: Any plan for risk assessment? There was some discussion of purchasing making risk assessments and due diligence of suppliers, Tb ensured that Purchasing wil be asked to perform risk assessment.
BB – commented that Bursars are taking it seriously. Possibly putting it to conference of colleges for a vote.
University legal department have recommended 6 months record of access to confidential records as good practice although this is not mandatory.
There was some discussion around the auditing of Information Security as audits are a way of enforcing policy. Similar to health and safety audits, case studies will be produced of higher risk areas. PJ’s risk role for next 18 months will add resource to central information security.
SL – if policy goes through there must be centralised support for Info Sec.
- updates
- Card system, ITSS01 have been issued with a card for testing purposes.
Theology and Philosophy have had a total reissue due to a new library access system in the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. All cards issued from now will contain mifare technology.
- CIT Questionnaire
Ben Bridle reported that results are being dealt with by the sub-bursars group, also influencing workstream 8.
Further colleges in August and September to be canvassed.
- VOIP – this is the 4th revision of the report.
Workshops and 1-2-1 visits have taken place , there have been over 100 consultations, 30 colleges have been involved. Issues have been consisitent, the final report is due in the next couple of weeks.
The new governance structure is awaited to progress, it’s a case of watch this space.
Changes in working practices are noted and developments in voice on devices and building design without wires are some of the developments to watch. Scale of the problem is that 600 users every month for 4 years is the amount of change required.
- Electronic archive
SL is giving a talk at the conference and has been busy with workstream 8 and so declined to report at this meeting.
- AOB:
A point was made that the new IT Services name will be indistinguishable on local IT web pages from local IT services.
- date of next meeting
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