ICTF Termly Meeting. Michaelmas term 2014
Meeting held on Tuedsay 9th December at 1pm at the Chemistry research lab.
1. Sarah Lawson welcomed everyone
2. Minutes of last meeting were accepted as accurate
3 & 6 Chairmans Business . ICTF terms of reference have changed. Chair is now Sarah Lawson with vice Chair Ben Bridle. The new committee wants to hear new ideas. SL gave a report outlining ICTF work. ICTF conference next year will be Tuesday 7th July 2015.
4 a TONE PROJECT– Liz o’Farrell gave a report on the replacement of the backbone network. Called ODIN, the service model will be published soon.
BiFrost is a sub project, focussed on replacing and laying new fibre, every Frodo has fibre and this will be replaced. Information required is any Frodo cabinet access issues and details of the internal route from the duct entry point of the building to the Frodo.
Also an asbestos survey will be required for the internal route. Further information at :
A question was raised as to when the project will be finished? April 2016 will see all sites migrated. There will be a pilot over summer 2015 and start migrating OCT 2015. Fibre will be replaced where needed. Multimode only will be replaced by single mode fibre. We know up to entry point, we need information on ducting from external duct to Frodo.
b. GOWN General Oxford Wireless Network Meeting the strategic plan. Phase 1 is requirements gathering to April. SurveyMonkey being used. Lucy Gradon and Heidi Hunt are Project Managers. 16th and 17th December 10:00-Noon , Banbury Road. Posters available publicising the wireless survey. Richard C has just done own survey and will forward the results
5 ITS3 REPORT delivered by Tony Brett.
Copyright infringements are up, perhaps because of the fast network and copyright owners and lawyers being more active. The £50 admin charge is a deterrent. There is talk of changing the charging model to be more like a Library fine.
Other work and services to note:
• ITS3 processed 600 SSL certificates. Up from 360 over the previous period.
• The late summer BBQ was a success, new equipment and furniture bought with ICTF money.
• Look out for Lunch and learn sessions next term. Briefing and burritos.
• Win XP patches are available , please get in touch for critical patches, we are encouraging plans to get off XP by April.
• Gartner GTP is available – see the wiki https://wiki.it.ox.ac.uk/itss/GartnerGTP
• Microsoft Office 365 is available for staff though kivuto and on the hub, sign in via shibboleth at:
There was a point raised about Dropbox for Business and that HMRC considers this a benefit in kind.
7 Colleges IT Steering, Simon Mortimore.
New college governance structure is going well. Collaborations are happening.
8 Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
a HPC - There was no report
b Web – open to all including communications officers – also noted was the start of Drupal SIG
c Digital Media – Starting soon – no report was given.
9 Divisional Reports (Encouraging Divisional IT Committees)
a) IT Services – Mike Fraser gave the report.
IT Innovation Fund (seed fund for startup ideas relating to challenges set to meet the University strategic objectives) is open to all staff and students. This is ringfenced Capital. Currently testing the Wazuko system and process that manages the submissions and allows comments. It is an ideas escalator, designed to add value to the ideas.
Ideas generated will be assessed by an “Innovation Group” made up of academics and students.
Ideas must be realistically turned into projects.
Cat A – Staff £1’000 -£100’000 3months to 1 year
Cat B – Students up to £20’000 run in the long Vacation.
If you have the idea you are not necessarily expected to run the project but can be part of the definition. What this means for ICTF is that collaborations are possible and involvement in the voting and churn of ideas is welcomed.
Stuart Lee Directs the Innovation Fund. There are 900 registered users.
C3E is a project to look at all options evaluating the upgrade of Nexus. Evaluation of cloud services. Email, e.g. contenders are Office 365 and Google Apps. There will be representation from ITSS and Legal services. There will be surveys. Relates to Chorus FKA Integrated Communications , delivering Full Trial in February, there is a budget to trial headsets and peripherals. There was a question about Analogue adapters. And any questions are urged to be directed to the Chorus Project.
GOWN General Oxford Wireless Network This is a project with Estates and IT Services, how to improve the Wireless coverage in Oxford. E.g. Wifi on Buses, discussion with City Councils. Talk of improving Mobile Phone signal coverage and future phone services over wifi. Vendor Boxes to boost mobile signal are not considered cost effective.
SSP Sits E-vision is going live on 5th January. 19-23 December commissioning, 27-31 is contingency time. Out of Hours support 24/7 will be tendering for a 3rd party service desk support. Covering Evenings/ Overnight/ Holidays and Closures. Tendering and commercial negotiations at Easter 2015.
Public Wifi – still negotiating with The Cloud. A trial will be used to ascertain Clouds assumptions are true and will work. Rollout for Easter b and b. Standard Cloud Service before payment is required.
It was noted from the audience that the JR Hospital made money from BT Openzone.
Service Desk Consolidation Project.
Project re-initiated in Hilary Term. It is not known when this will roll out.
b) Bodleian
There was no report.
Christopher Hoskin asked the question about Sunray Kiosk replacement .
10 AOB. book for 19th December Christmas Dinner.
11 Date of next Event , Wednesday 18th March 13:00-16:00 Rewley House.