ICTF Meeting
ICTF Termly Meeting , Hilary 12 (No.15)
Thursday 29th March 2012 at
Wolfson Room, Chemistry Research Laboratory
Jeremy Worth (ICTF Chairman) welcomes 72 registered attendees.
Minutes of last meeting accepted as a true and reliable record.
JW thanks Tony Brett for the Newsletter, encouraging further contributions. JW reviews last meeting and gives a synopsis of ICCP. JW mentions PRAC will meet for last time in Trinity term.
4+5 ICTF Steering reports
Sarah Lawson gives the report, including ICTF conference preparations. Reiterating that ICTF is representing views to ICCP, e.g. CITC and social events. A call for nominees for election to ICTF steering committee. Please could conference workshop owners send us the titles for website, booking will be early May. Goodies and gifts to be decided 30th March.
6 a
Apologies from James Dore, CITC report given by Ben Bridle. Students systems replacement project mentioned, particularly this year will see Degree Ceremony functionality, more to follow. E.g. units access to data.
B and b, Colleges are endeavouring to offer network access to non-academic users, summer season pressure will be felt soon.
Q. is this work being done seriously?
A. Yes, Estates/bursars have a working group.
6 b. Software licensing
Met 1st March, finance are to look at site licensing Stata. Adobe work at home license is pending.
7 Special Interest (SIG) and Advisory groups
IT Managers Group, JW nothing to report, meeting TBA
Oxbridge Collaboration, (B.Hicks) nothing to report
CITC Forum (Simon thompson), not present. BB covered above in 6.
8 Reports from central units
- ODIT (Paul Jefferies), the report from the Director of IT covers;
USDC (University Shared Data Centre) and the subsidy available.
The “project envelope” budgeting forecasts and the over-commitment are explained.
ICCP workstream8, local Services Interface.
Q. Round table discussions next week with Peter Jones, although Pj comments this is in the context of virtual machines. - OUCS report, is on the website, TB runs through the headings.
- BDLSS Tom points to report on the website. “Scan Deliver” service launches mid April, Scans from the Swindon Book Storage facility can be emailed under Copyright Legislation. There is an ongoing debate over charges.
- BSP – Tom Payne, gives his report.
HRIS, DARS is in and functional –blackbaud.
Tribal SITS –through UAS
MS Biztalk Server is not on the list but is being looked at as an Enterprise Service Bus.
Finance system re-implementation, Oracle R12
Resolve replacement (Foxpro) and joint venture with Cambridge and Unit4, is in testing phase, UATesting later this year.
Q. Is the energy monitoring project passing people by (a show of hands suggests so)
TB to find out and inform.
Q. regarding HRIS Core system, PDF generation will be done server side to alleviate issues.
Q. HRIS on 64 bit win 7 has issues
Tony Brett, No written report available due to involvement in ICCP.
Current courses were outlined
9 Information Security and BP
ISBP finished in Oct. Policy is done but in negotiations to make it official.
John Ashton now in full ttime role . Information Security toolkit was promoted and a call made for what to incorporate in that.
Christopher Hoskin gave a report on developments with the University Card. Estates projects drive the need for contactless technology. Small trial at St Anthony's.
Proposal to UAS accepted in Feb, 4k mifare cards will be issued (new issues) from this year. Also a mechanism for re-issue will exist. Has a directory file structure in the card which suits the devolved nature of the Univeristy, Uni will hold a masterkey. Cost of a key to encrypt the card is £2500.
Other systems mentioned were the Uniware till system with data on or off the card. Salto door access systems.
Q. re. security 128 bit encryption
Project website URL: ..
more info as the project progresses.
Alison Honeyford is the project manager.
Q. Jon Ashton : oxcert have been contacted indirectly and would like to be included as part of working group, this was agreed.
Q: will there be a sub-directory for buses
A: Oxford buses use NFC (near field chip)
11 CITC Questionaire
Greg Jenning gave a report.
Announced at CITC managers meeting, would be useful to include departments.
Estates- bursars are now more interseted, they agree with values and to assist IT officers. Will be anonymous/not financial and collected by IT managers.
Questionairre is final and tested, long and detailed 72 Pages. Some help will be offered to elicit the information if the scale is daunting.
Official announcement will be made in April, this is an organic process and will feed into ICCP.
Q. Paul Jefferies: When will results be ready.
A: first time so difficult to know. Fought to keep anonymous and not financial.
Chemistry Division have been tasked with the same thing, IT provision for visitors is a driver, a chance for collaboration was recognised.
Alan Hillyer introduces Brian Cawley from 4C strategies.
Information gathering stage currently. See report:
MSLink product is a possibility.
Q: are we looking at softphone options, and mobile clients.
A: yes
Q: Alan Hillyer, Unified communications, OUTN is the largest in the UK.
MS-Link is a possibility 365 free of charge.
13 Nexus Update
Mark Norman sent apologies. Tony Brett gives a report.
Exchange 2010 going well, Rapid migration with a long preparation.
Apple mail users impacted heavily, the smallest group to inconvenience.46'000 migrated, 170 failed due to corruption.
1 mailbox will not migrate.0.02% of problems.
Main unforseen issues outlined.
Nexus team are off over Easter, migration will recommence 16/17 April.
95% through End will be May 11.
Q: Imap related issues with pdf attachments?
A: not known.
14 Electronic Archive Project
Sarah Lawson gave a report. Project funded from the project envelope.
SL shows Archive Service Model, a huge problem and will become a cost recovered service.
Project is funded as an Advisory Group, if Archiving is of interest please get in touch.
similarly if anyone has tackled this issue, please contact Sarah Lawson.
Jeremy worth introduces ICCP and Anne Trefethen the newly appointed CIO.
Anne will be taking ICCP forward. Administrative framework for the new department expected to be in place for August 1st. A world Class service for a World Class university is envisaged and there will be governance changes in merging the 3 units. A single ICT committee reporting to council, hopefully in place by Oct 12.
Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
Q: what happens to the Director of It post.
A: Wait 2 months for the new organisational structure to be announced.
ISBP will be an important consideration “joined up approach” is the objective.
16 covered earlier
Q: Craig Tranfield , why 13:00hrs not 13:30?
A: TB to allow networking time.
17 CUD Lyn Waddington gives a PPT presentation.
Training sessions will be coming along.
Date of next meeting 19th June 2012