ICTF Meeting

Trinity 2014 Meeting (No.21)

1400hrs on Wednesday 25th June at Rewley House, Geoffrey Thomas Lecture Theatre


      1. Welcome
      2. Minutes of Last Meeting
      3. Chairman's Business
      4. TONE project and other networking matter (Henryk Glogowski)
      5. The IT Services service portfolio review (Darrell Sturley)
      6. ITS3 Update (Tony Brett)
      7. ICTF Steering Group Report (Sarah Lawson) could YOU join the committee?
      8. Proposed change to ICTF Constitution and Terms of Reference (Tony Brett)
      9. Items from representatives on other bodies
      10. Reports from Special Interest & Advisory Groups
        a. Web SIG (Jim Leek)
        b. HPC SIG (Andy Richards)
      11. Reports from Central Units
        a. IT Services (John Ireland)
        b. Bodleian Libraries
      12. Project Reports
        a. Maillist replacement project (Dominic Hargreaves)
        b. Service Desk Consolidation Project (Jonathan Marks)
      13. Any Other Business
      14. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 2pm (lunch at 1pm, venue TBC)

Page last updated: 2016-05-11