ICTF Meeting

Hilary 2013 Meeting (No.18)

The meeting took place at 14:00 on Tuesday 19th March
in the Isis Room at IT Services (Banbury Road)


      1. Welcome
      2. R12 Project - Presentation & Questions (Sara Foxley, Finance)
      3. Minutes of Last Meeting
      4. Chairman's Business
      5. ITS3 Update
      6. ICTF Steering Group Report
      7. Workstream 8 Update (Sarah Lawson)
      8. Items from representatives on other bodies
        1. Colleges ICT Committee (James Dore)
        2. Software Licensing (Andy Richards)
      9. Reports from Special Interest & Advisory Groups
        1. IT Managers' Group (Jeremy Worth)
        2. Colleges IT Forum (Simon Thomson)
      10. Reports from Central Units
        1. IT Services (John Ireland)
        2. BDLSS (Andrew Bonnie)
        3. Networks (Henryk Glogowski & David Ford)
      11. Information Security Best Practice Update (Jonathan Ashton)
      12. Updates (if any) on other projects:
        1. Changes in the University Card system (Christopher Hoskin)
        2. Colleges IT Questionaire (Ben Bridle)
        3. VOIP Strategy update (Alan Hillyer)
        4. The Electronic Archive Project (Sarah Lawson)
        5. Update on Energy Efficiency Monitoring (Keith Gillow)
      13. Results of the Password Reminder competition
      14. Any Other Business
      15. Date of Next Meeting (Trinity Term)

Page last updated: 2016-05-11