3.4. Number of Linux desktops

150 Astro Physics
150 Mathematics
110 Statistics
 63 Atmospheric Physics
 53 Comlab
 50 Chemistry
 50 Physiology
 47 Molecular Biophysics
 40 Experimental Psychology
 36 OUCS
 35 Ecology and Hydrology (Centre for)
 33 FMRIB (Centre for)
 20 Structural Genomics Consortium
 17 Materials
 15 Earth Sciences
 15 Scanning Optical Microscopy (Engineering)
 12 Medical Vision Group (Robotics, Engineering)
 12 Particle Physics
 12 Psychiatry
 10 IMSU (Clinical School)
  7 Solid Mechanics and Materials (Engineering)
  5 Archaeology
  5 Molecular Medicine
  4 St Anthony's College
  3 Oxford Supercomputing Centre
  3 St John's College
  1 Christ Church College
  1 Classics
  1 Invensys (Control, Engineering)
  1 Jesus College
  1 Linacre College
  1 Politics
  1 Sociology
  1 Systems and Electronic Resources Service