IT Support Staff Conference 1998

IT Support Staff Conference
St Catherine's College
25 June 1998

Payment Details

Whilst some sponsorship has been found for this event, in order to cover the full costs it is necessary to charge each delegate £10.

Payment should be sent to OUCS with a copy of the payment form. Departmental payments should be made using an internal credit (journal) transfer. Other payments may be made with a cheque made payable to Oxford University Computing Services; all college attendees will have to use this method as will those whose department will not do the credit transfer.

Please note, confirmation of registration will only be sent after payment of registration fee has been received.

Anyone finding difficulty making payment of the registration fee should contact the Committee Chairman.

Registration closes on 31 May.

Gerard Robinson
Conference Committee Chairman
Nuffield Dept. of Anaesthetics, Radcliffe Infirmary
Tel: Oxford 224071 (Internal: 553 24071)

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