Comparison of OPAC and GeoWeb
OPAC better: searching by library only (OPAC parms), shelfmark search, hidden holdings, order of display of holdings, lack of limits, journal display.
GeoWeb better: search history, combined searching, emailing & printing of references.
There are problems with viewing serials in GeoWeb. These problems are set out below. These are from my course notes, so I hope you can follow them.
Problems with Serials
in GeoWeb
13 Serials display
Do an Advanced keyword search for jw=comparative commonwealth politics. (Want Commonwealth & comparative politics from 2 titles shown.)
Compare the GeoWeb display with the OPAC OHP:
· Unclear last received display
· Cannot access the piece record to look at availability.
· Also confusion of issues checked in using the serial module and block items.
Online Catalogue - BRIEF DISPLAY (1 of 1 titles)
:Commonwealth & comparative politics.
SUBJECT :Commonwealth countries -- Politics and government –-
PLACE :London :
DATE :c1998-
ISBN/ISSN :0306-3631
Commonwealth & comparative politics
Select a line number to see the status
of each issue/volume no.
------- -------------
Nuffld NUF OpenShelf Per J
Issues: (v. 36- , 1998- )
Last rec'd: v.39 no.1(2001:MAR)
on APR 20, 2001
Options: Move forward
clear statement of the last received
issue (and when it was
received) Relatively
clear statement of the range of issues held by the Library (i.e. from
volume 36 onwards)
# item Forward
Previous screen Extend
search Full display
Limit list Output Reservations Review search OPAC parms
to access piece record and therefore information about the availability of
New search Quit search
Cannot go beyond this screen to find the Status for individual items and no Last received statement.
Do a Simple keyword search for ISSN=0037-9484 (Mémoire de la Société mathématique de France). Shows apparently closed copyset – only one volume.
Compare the GeoWeb display with the OPAC copyset OHP. Shows open copyset, so subscription is still active.
Although this is clearly an open entry when Telnet OPAC is consulted it looks like a closed entry on GeoWeb comprising only one volume.
14 Journal title search
Browse search for t=geology
Show Browse List and point out the one labelled (Journal)
Geology (Uniform Title) (1)
Geology (41)
Geology (Journal Title) (1)
Geology (Uniform Title) (1)
Geology (Pre20 Title) (12)
Click on that and show that the journal title links into a list of generic items, not just the journal. It is therefore best to use jt= at the moment not t= (the opposite of the OPAC).
Former title should be very useful, but can cause the system to loop.
j=Progress in Human Geography: an
international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities
This has a link in the record display to the former title Progress in Geography. Clicking on this link should, ideally,
display the former title Progress in
geography: international reviews of current research. However, as this is not quite the same as
the former title that has been entered in cataloguing the system just loops
back to the original search.
If one does a
browse search of the title index for a serial with a generic type name, so that
books also appear under the same browse heading (i.e. Nature, or Geology, or Geomorphology), the two types of
material appear separated in the results list.
However, clicking on the link for the serial title details results in
both the books and the journals
being displayed. So it is necessary to
scroll through looking for the correct heading. In the example of Geology,
fifty-four titles are displayed at this point.
This can be avoided by browse searching just the journal title index. However, readers are used to using the title index on the ADVANCE OPAC as much as possible. It is more comprehensive and produces a browse list with intelligible headings, from which the journal heading can be selected.
The Extend Search
function on the ADVANCE OPAC allows one to send a related works search term
which acts as a browse search, whereas, the analogous related works hyperlink
search in GeoWeb effectively prompts a search for an exact match. This is fine if there is an exact match for the link, but in some cases there isn't. For example, the journal Progress in Human Geography: an
international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities
has a link in the record display to the former title Progress in Geography. If
one clicks on this link, ideally the former title Progress in geography: international reviews of current research,
should be retrieved but because this is not quite the same as the former title
as it has been entered in cataloguing the continuation, a results list in fact
displays containing only this single item Progress
in Human Geography: an international review of geographical work in the social
sciences and humanities again. On
the ADVANCE OPAC, Extend Search just about enables one to dodge this problem
because it displays a browse of items in alphabetical proximity, and so will
thus display headings for both Progress
in Geography (i.e. Progress in Human
Geography: ...) and Progress in
geography: international reviews of current research.
Uniform titles
entered in MARC field 130 currently appear in the "Author" box in the
record display. Authors as such are in
fact far more commonly found in MARC fields 100 or 110. It would be preferable if they could display
as Uniform titles. The curious result
for instance in the case of the journal Geography:
journal of the Geographical association, is that "Geography
(Sheffield, England)" displays as the author of the item in both the
results list and the record display.
The related works hyperlink again throws up an anomaly in this case,
since no hits are found, presumably because this sends an Author search for
"Geography (Sheffield, England)", and, not surprisingly, there are no
such items.