IT Support Staff Conference 1998
St Catherine's College
Thursday, 25 June 1998
`Towards the Millennium'

Please register before 19th June.

The morning sessions

Joyce Martin The Dearing Report: Progress and Prospects

The 1997 Report of the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education (the Dearing Report) placed communication and information technologies (C&IT) at the heart of its vision of the 21st Century university. C&IT was seen as having an essential role to play in the core activities of teaching, learning, assessment, research and administration. One of the key recommendations of the Report was the establishment of a professional Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILT).
This talk will provide a brief overview of the Report's main recommendations for the role of C&IT in teaching and learning, and report on the progress in the development of the ILT.

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Joe Stoy Joe is coming to the end of his five-year term as Chairman of the University's IT Committee. In this talk he will look back over what has happened in Oxford's IT during this period, and try and extrapolate a bit to the Millenium and a little beyond. return to programme

Gerard Robinson
IT Support Staff Group Chairman
Nuffield Dept. of Anaesthetics, Radcliffe Infirmary
Tel: Oxford 224071 (Internal: 553 24071)

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